Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Pimsleur Language Program Japanese Level 1 - Lesson 04 - Notes

Pimsleur Language Program Japanese Level 1 - Lesson 04 Notes

This lesson introduces new module 'Directions' along with review of previous ones

Conversation to review knowledge

Sumimasen - Excuse Me
Anatawa Nihon-jin desu ka? - Are you Japanese?
Hai. Watashi wa Nihon-jin desu. Anatawa? - Yes. I am Japanese.  And you?
Watashi wa amerika-jin desu -  I am an American.
demo, Nihongo ga yoku wakharimasu ne But, you understand Japanese well.
Eh. Sukoshi. Demo mada jouzu ja arimasen  - Yes. A little. but I am not skilled yet
iie, jouzu desu - No. You are skilled
Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank You

New Words

hana-shi-masu - (to) speak
Eh - Yes (informal)
jozou ni - skilled (in terms of speaking)

Grammar Notes

1. Whenever asking back the same question 'anata wa?' is used  as 'and you?'. 'And' is understood.
2. The usage for 'Hanashimasu' is very similar to ' wakharimasu' as we saw in earlier lessons from grammar usage perspective. However the below sentences differ -
a. You understand well - Yoku wakharimasu
b. You speak well - jozou ni hanashimasu (instead of yoku hanashimasu)
3. 'Ja arimasen' is used to negate sentences with noun, instead of verb. For ex - 'Wakharimasu (understand)' is a verb so it can be negated as 'wakharimasen'. However 'jouzu (skillful)' is a noun is it is negated as 'jouzu ja arimasen'

Part II - Directions

New words

Ueno, Sinjyuku - name of train stations in Tokyo
eki - station
koen - park
where - doko
Koko - here
soko - there

Grammar Notes

1. Add 'wa' after a place name, when used in a sentence. For Ex - Ueno eki wa doko desu ka? (where is Ueno station?)
2. To ask for another place after asking the first place just use the place name. For ex - Sunjyuki eki wa?

Conversation Exercise

Woman - Konnichiwa
You - Konnichiwa
W - ii otenki desu ne
Y - So desu ne
W - Nihongoga wakharimasu ne
Y- Hai. Sukoshi. demo mada jozou ja arimasen
W - iie. Jozou desu. Anatawa america-jin desu ka?
Y -Watashi wa america jin desu. Anatawa?
W - Watashi wa Nihon-jin desu ka
(asking for directions)
W - Sumimasen. Ueno eki wa doko desu ka?
Y - koko desu
W - Ueno koen wa?
Y - Ueno koen wa koko ja arimasen. Soko desu. demo Ueno eki wa koko desu
W - doko ka ii resutoran **************
Y - Sumimasen. Wakharimasen


Woman - Hello
You - Hello
W - It is good weather. Isn't it
Y - Yes it is
W - You understand Japanese. Don't you
Y- Yes. A little. But i am not skilled yet.
 W - No. You are skilled. Are you an american?
Y -I am an american. And You?
W - I am Japanese
(asking for directions)
W - Excuse Me. Where is Ueno station?
 Y - It is here
W - And Ueno Park
Y - Ueno park is not here. It is there. but Ueno station is here.
W - (Some new sentence which you cannot understand)
Y - Excuse Me. I don't understand

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